Climate Change Case Study - USA & Barbados

Effects of Climate Change

Author:Author ImageSyed Ali

Edu Level: CSEC

Date: Jul 16, 2024

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Climate Change Case Study

Your syllabus requires you to study the impacts of climate change in the Caribbean and either the United States or the United Kingdom. This case study focuses on the impact of climate change in the United States and Barbados.

Climate Change In The USA And Barbados


Sea level rise and coastal flooding due to melting ice caps - Scientific research suggests that by the end of the century sea levels in New York will be .7 metres higher and in several other coastal areas. This can disrupt economic activity that occurs along the coast which is vital to the country’s economy.

Coral reef destruction - When sea levels rise coral bleaching occurs at a faster rate which negatively affects biodiversity. In the Florida Keys research has shown 44% decline in coral over a 10 year period.

Changes in weather patterns - So far there have been dramatic changes in rainfall patterns across the United States as well as an increasing amount of wildfires on the western side of the United States.

Increased pests and disease - Warmer temperatures will provide a conducive environment for the spread of pathogens more easily which may have been previously confined to tropical areas for example the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like Zika.

Riverine Flooding - With melting ice further upstream, riverine flooding has steadily increased in the United States with devastating floods in States like Louisiana in recent years. These floods are not only harmful to humans they may destroy natural habitats as well .

Decline in agricultural productivity - Many areas in the United States known for agriculture are facing increased amounts of droughts which is also affecting the amount of water in the ground water tables used by crops to grow, creating a shortage.

Reduction in freshwater supply - In states like California increase temperatures have caused droughts which are drying out reservoirs and reducing the freshwater supply while in other states, excess rainfall can cause damage to water infrastructure.

Increase in hurricanes and storms - There has been an increase in the amount and intensity of hurricanes and storms in the United States due to warmer atmospheric temperatures. Some of these storms include Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Sandy.


Reduction in tourism - Climate change and sea level rise can be damaging to coastal infrastructure as well as beaches and coral reefs which are vital to the tourism industry in Barbados and other islands.

Coral reef destruction - Rising sea levels create a lack of sunlight for algae living on Coral which can lead to coral bleaching and thus the death of corals which lead to the destruction of an entire ecosystem.

Salt water intrusion - In Barbados underground aquifers are used to pump fresh water to the surface. When sea levels rise, salt water from the ocean seeps into underground aquifers and contaminates the freshwater supply with salt. This water now has to be desalinated to be used by humans which is very costly.

Coastal flooding and erosion - Many settlements in the Caribbean are located along the coast and flat areas which are becoming increasingly dangerous due to the sea level rise caused by melting ice caps. This can be devastating after storms when coastal areas flood. The increased rate of erosion is also an imminent threat as some places in the Caribbean have actually had to relocate settlements due to rapid erosion.

Increase in hurricanes and storms - There has been an increase in the amount and intensity of hurricanes and storms in the Caribbean such as the recent Hurricane Beryl which developed very early in the hurricane season to a category 4 hurricane affecting Barbados and other islands even worse such as Carriacou, Grenada.

Changes in weather patterns -  changes in weather patterns have been bringing dryer dry seasons causing drought and forest fires while in the rainy season there is an increase in precipitation causing floods.

Increased pests and disease - Water borne diseases such as Dengue virus have had surges in recent years. This is because mosquitoes like warm temperatures and the mosquito breeding season is expanded when there are warmer temperatures.

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