Icon done by Aleem Dabiedeen
Past participles
A list of regular and irregular past participles that can be used in any form of writing and even speaking. Examples are also provided together with a key for the pronouns.
Edu Level: Unit1
Date: Aug 20, 2024
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Note: When forming the past participle in Spanish, the infinitive ending is dropped, and ido/ado is added depending on the type of verb. It can be an ‘ar’, ‘er’ or ‘ir’ verb.
For example:
Hablar (to speak) - hablado
Comer (to eat) - comido
Vivir (to see) - vivido
However, this rule does not apply to irregular past participle verbs. Each verb has their own special ending. Here are some examples:
- Abrir (to open) - abierto
- Cubrir (to cover) - cubierto
- Decir (to say/tell) - dicho
- Disolver(se) (to dissolve) - disuelto
- Escribir (to write) - escrito
- Hacer (to do/make) - hecho
- Imprimir (to print) - impreso
- Morir (to die) - muerto
- Poner (to put) - puesto
- Resolver (to resolve) - resuelto
- Romper (to break) - roto
- Ver (to see) - visto
- Volver (to return) - vuelto
- Componer (to mend/compose) - compuesto
- Describir (to describe) - descrito
- Descubrir (to find/discover) - descubierto
- Deshacer (to undo) - deshecho
- Devolver (to return something) - desvuelto
- Disponer (to dispose) - dispuesto
- Imponer (to impose) - impuesto
- Oponer (se) (to oppose) - opuesto
- Predecir (to predict) - predicho
- Proponer (to propose) - propuesto
- Reponer (se) (to recover) - revuelto
- Suponer (to suppose) - supuesto
Examples using the irregular past participle
- Ha escrito muchas canciones en su carrera
He has written many songs in his career
- No han descubierto una cura para esta enfermedad
They have not discovered a cure for this disease
He - I
Has - You
Ha - he/she/it
Hemos - we
Han - they