
Priya Ramoutar


Content Crew

Number of Contributions: 2


Priya Ramoutar is a student at Parvati Girls' Hindu College, where she is currently pursuing various subjects at the CAPE level. As a Unit 1 student, she is studying Communication Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Pure Math, and Spanish. Among these subjects, she will be assisting with Spanish.

One of Priya’s biggest passions is learning foreign languages. She believes that knowing different languages is very important in today’s world. Her goal is to inspire others to see the value in learning new languages, as it helps people connect and understand each other better across cultures. With her enthusiasm for languages, Priya hopes to make a positive difference by encouraging others to appreciate and learn about different cultures,

Furthermore, Priya is actively involved in her school as a leader of the Foreign Language and Culture Club. In this role, she guides and inspires her peers to explore and appreciate different languages and cultures. Her leadership helps foster a greater understanding and events that highlight the significance of foreign languages and cultural exchange.


Past participles

Priya Ramoutar


Aug 20, 2024


Priya Ramoutar


Aug 11, 2024

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