Elections In The Caribbean

Syed Ali


Dec 1, 2023

Estimated reading time:

Definitions, Electoral Systems, Preparations, Factors Influencing Outcomes

Electoral Processes & Systems In The Caribbean

Important Definitions

Electoral Systems

  1. First-Past-The-Post - In this system the country's divided into multiple constituencies each represented by a seat in Parliament. Candidates contest the individual seats and may be politically affiliated or independent.The candidate that receives the most votes in a constituency wins that constituency and then the party that wins the most constituencies within the parliament forms the government while the other parties form the opposition. Gerrymandering can sometimes occur in this electoral  system. All Caribbean countries use first past the post except Guyana.
  2. Proportional representation -  instead of persons voting for a candidate to represent their constituency they vote for a party to rule over the country and the number of votes that each party receives is reflected in the number of seats they are allocated in the parliament. Each political party usually has a list of candidates for their national area as well as geographical constituencies and the number of candidates that will occupy the seats in Parliament depends on how many votes the party wins. For example if the parliament has 50 seats and a party wins 10% of all the votes they will get five seats in the parliament which will be split amongst their list of national and geographical candidates. The only Caribbean country which uses proportional representation is Guyana.

How Political Parties Prepare For Elections

Before the elections political parties usually hold internal nominations where they select candidates to represent each constituency. After candidates are finalized, they begin to campaign and attempt to convince persons to vote for them. They usually conduct extensive research and opinion polls to gauge how they should campaign. Canvassing is sometimes done where candidates walk from door to door within the area addressing people’s concerns. They also campaign by publishing their manifesto, using various forms of media like TV and posters for advertisements.

Factors Which Influence The Outcome Of Elections

Factors That Influence Voter Participation In Elections

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