
Syed Ali


Jul 16, 2024

Estimated reading time:

Definitions, Types, Benefits, Problems


Tourism is the commercial organisation and operation of travelling while a tourist is a person that visits a place for pleasure or has other interests.

Types of Tourism

There are many types of tourism some of which include :

  1. Sea, Sand and Sun - Tropical places like the Caribbean are well known for this type of tourism as tourists come for the beaches and the warm weather.
  2. Eco-Tourism - This type of tourism involves the sustainable use of the natural environment, for example, hiking to a waterfall.
  3. Sports Tourism - This is where persons visit a place for a particular sporting event, for example, the Caribbean Premier League (CPL).
  4. Medical Tourism - This type of tourism involves travelling for medical treatment typically going somewhere where the cost is cheaper.
  5. Cultural/Historical - This is where persons visit areas of cultural or historical significance for example, forts, museums, old cities, parks and plantations.

Reasons Why Tourists Visit The Caribbean

Benefits Associated With Tourism In The Caribbean

Problems Associated With Tourism In The Caribbean

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