
Syed Ali


Nov 6, 2023

Estimated reading time:

Definitions, Types, Push & Pull Factors, Consequences & Case Studies


Migration can simply be defined as the movement of people from one geographical location to another based on a series of push and pull factors.

Push & Pull Factors (Reasons For Migrations)

Push Factors

The factors below encourage persons to emigrate

Pull Factors

The factors below encourage persons to immigrate

Types of Migration

Causes of Migration

Consequences Of Migration Through Case Studies

Consequences On The Source Country > Case Study - Jamaica

In this case study, Jamaica is an example of a source country meaning that persons emigrate from Jamaica (source of migrants) and move to a host country (hosting migrants). In the early 2000s over 700 000 persons living in the United States were of Jamaican origin, meaning they either migrated there or were descended from Jamaican immigrants. Approximately 80% of Jamaican emmigrants left to move to the United States, roughly 15% to Canada and the remainder to the United Kingdom and elsewhere.  Below are some of the consequences on the source country, some can be positive while some are negative.

Consequences On The Host Country > Case Study - United States Of America

In this case study, the United States of America is an example of a host country as people immigrate to it seeking a higher standard of living and more opportunities. Many persons from the Caribbean have formed diaspora communities in the United States particularly in the states of New York and Florida. The United States is known for having immigrants from all over the world with more than 1 million people migrating there annually.

Increased Resource Use - As there are more people within the country much more resources will need to be extracted to meet the needs of the population from basic needs like food and water to much more.

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