Economic Activity

Syed Ali


Dec 14, 2023

Estimated reading time:

Types, Examples, Factors Affecting Location, Role

Economic Activity

Economic activity is simply anything that generates income for the country or a person and can be separated into 3 groups at the CSEC level, those are, primary, secondary and tertiary.

  1. Primary Economic Activity

Primary economic activities involve extracting raw materials from the Earth, for example, mining for mineral ores, extracting and planting crops. Caribbean countries have various primary economic activities such as:

  1. Secondary Economic Activity

Secondary economic activities involve taking raw materials extracted in primary economic activities and refining them or manufacturing them into a new product adding value and use, for example, refining oil into petrol for cars or bottling water.

Some examples of secondary economic activities includes:

  1. Tertiary Economic Activity

Tertiary economic activities refers to activities that offer services, for example, transportation, education, healthcare, etc. Examples of tertiary economic activities in the Caribbean include:

Factors Affecting the Location of Primary & Secondary resources in the Caribbean.

Role of Economic Activity in the Caribbean

Location of Secondary Economic Activity

Below is a map showing the location of some secondary economic activities  in Trinidad. The syllabus requires you to be able to draw a sketch of one Caribbean country and locate at least 3 economic activities. The use of Trinidad below is just an example.

Location of Secondary Economic Activity

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