Coral Reefs

Syed Ali


Nov 18, 2023

Estimated reading time:

Definition, Types, Conditions For Growth, Threats, Importance

Coral Reefs

Coral Reefs are large offshore ridges primarily composed of limestone (calcium carbonate) by living organisms called coral polyps. Coral polyps are tiny invertebrates that secrete calcium carbonate which form the base for the coral colony.

Zooxanthellae & Coral Colour

Zooxanthellae is a type of algae that has a symbiotic relationship with coral. The algae carry out photosynthesis and live inside the tissues of coral polyps so the food produced from photosynthesis is shared with the corals. The zooxanthellae is responsible for bright colours as the coral tissue itself is white. This is an example of mutualism.

Types of Coral Reefs

  1. Fringe Reefs

  2. Barrier Reefs

  3. Atoll Reef (Not required to learn for CSEC)

    1. Fringe Reef - A fringe reef grows either from the shore or near the shore, sometimes with a shallow lagoon. Fringe Reefs go parallel to coasts in shallow waters. For example, The Buccoo Reef, a fringe reef located in Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago.
    2. Barrier Reef - A barrier reef develops in shallow low lying coastal areas. When coastal plains are flooded the corals begin to grow at a distance off the coastline. Sometimes there are wide lagoons or shallow seas  between the Barrier Reef and the shore. For example, The Belize Barrier Reef located in Belize, the second largest in the world.

Conditions Necessary For Coral Reef Growth

Importance of Coral Reefs

Threats To Coral Reefs

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