Air Pollution

Definition, Examples, Effects, Prevention

Author:Author ImageSyed Ali

Edu Level: CSEC

Date: Jul 24, 2024

⏱️Read Time: 2 min

Air Pollution

Air Pollution is the introduction of harmful or unwanted substances into the atmosphere, contaminating it or reducing the quality of the air.

Common Air Pollutants

Carbon Emissions - Carbon Dioxide is released into the atmosphere by plants and animals during respiration. Human activity is the biggest contributor to Carbon emissions such as the use of CFCs in products and the combustion of fossil fuels.

Particulate Matter - This refers to tiny solid or liquid particles that can be found in the air like Saharan dust particles, pollen and volcanic ash for example. These particles may be released by humans through quarrelling and construction for example, or naturally through volcanic eruptions or bush fires.

Nitrogen Oxides - These are chemical compounds of nitrogen and oxygen. Nitrogen oxides contribute to the development of acid rain. Nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere. Nitrogen oxide is a greenhouse gas released during combustion of fossil fuels. It also contributes to the development of ground level ozone.

Sulphur Dioxides - Sulphur dioxides are chemical compounds of sulphur and oxygen that are released into the atmosphere when coal and petroleum are burned. Naturally, it may also be released into the atmosphere during a volcanic eruption. If the sulphur oxides react with nitrogen oxides and water it forms acid rain which is dangerous to plants.

Ground Level Ozone - While the ozone layer is meant to protect against UV rays, at the ground level ozone is a pollutant. Ground level ozone forms as a result of chemical reactions between nitrogen oxides and other pollutants. Inhalation of ground level ozone can cause respiratory issues in humans.

Effects of Air Pollution

  • Can cause harm to human health.
  • Can cause harm to animals and plants.
  • Chemical reactions can cause events like acid rain.
  • Contributes to the widening of a hole in the Ozone Layer resulting in more sunlight reaching earth and thus heat.

Preventing Air Pollution

  • Reducing energy consumption.
  • Government policies such as fines and incentives for reduced emissions.
  • Sustainable practices such as reduce, reuse and recycling.
  • Using renewable energy sources.

About Syed Ali

Introducing Syed Ali, a remarkable individual whose educational journey has been marked by excellence and a commitment to leadership. Syed began his academic pursuits at the prestigious San Fernando T.M.L Primary School, where his intellectual prowess shone through, earning him 2nd Place in the O.W.T.U quiz and an impressive 98th Read More

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