
Syed Ali


Jul 17, 2024

Estimated reading time:

Types of Agriculture, Role, Trends & Changes


Agriculture is the science of growing crops and raising animals to fulfil the human need for food or economic gain. Agriculture can be divided into two types: industrialised agriculture and subsistence agriculture.

Types of Farming

Commercial Agriculture

Commercial agriculture uses large amounts of land and relies on large inputs of capital and energy to produce crops as well as agrochemicals. Industrialised agriculture produces high yields but requires a great amount of energy relative to the food produced.

Subsistence Agriculture

Subsistence agriculture focuses on producing enough food for oneself and their family with any extra being sold off.  subsistence agriculture is normally labour-intensive and may come in many forms such as shifting cultivation which is a sustainable practice as long as there's a sufficient amount of land available.

Peasant Farming

Peasant farming is a small scale type of agriculture where crops and some livestock is produced on a small scale and feeds the family of the farmer and has a surplus intended for sale.

Factors Influencing Agricultural Land Use

Changes In Agriculture In The Caribbean

Roles of Agriculture In The Caribbean

Trends In The Agricultural Sector In The Caribbean

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