Tourism Key Concepts and Principles

Simran Bally


Mar 28, 2024

Estimated reading time:

Tourism concepts & principles

Tourism Key Concepts and Principles

In this section of the syllabus, you are required to “explain the key concepts and principles of tourism”. What does that mean? Well basically, CXC wants you to define the concept of:

  1. Tourism
  2. Tourists
  3. Host
  4. Guests
  5. Visitors
  6. Community
  7. Government

They’d also like you to understand the principles:

  1. Mass/Traditional Tourism
  2. Eco-Tourism
  3. Niche Tourism
  4. Sustainable Development
  5. Sustainable Tourism

And the interdisciplinary nature of tourism as a field of study, for example, Geography, Business and Entrepreneurship, Sociology, Economics and Anthropology.

So let’s get into the concepts!

Now that that's done and over with, let’s move onto principles.

Note: while the syllabus states Mass/Traditional Tourism I will be doing them separately as there are differences between the two.

And now to the Interdisciplinary Nature of Tourism.

Firstly, let’s address that big word, “interdisciplinary”. Interdisciplinary refers to the integration of knowledge, methods, and perspectives from multiple academic disciplines to address complex problems or phenomena.

What's the link between Tourism and Geography?

Geography provides insights into the spatial distribution of tourist destinations, natural attractions, and cultural landscapes. It helps in understanding how physical features, climate, and location influence tourism patterns. Geographical information systems (GIS) are used to analyze tourist flows and spatial relationships within destinations.

What's the link between Tourism, Business and Entrepreneurship?

The business aspect of tourism involves understanding the management, marketing, and financial aspects of tourism enterprises such as hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, and tour operators. Entrepreneurship in tourism focuses on innovation, the development of new tourism products, and small business management within the tourism sector.

What's the link between Tourism and Sociology?

Sociology helps in understanding the behaviour, motivations, and preferences of tourists, as well as the impacts of tourism on host communities. It examines issues such as tourist interactions with locals, cultural exchange, social dynamics within tourist destinations, and the formation of tourist identities.

What's the link between Tourism and Economics?

Economics provides insights into the economic impacts of tourism, including its contribution to GDP, employment generation, foreign exchange earnings, and regional development. Economic analysis also involves studying tourism demand and supply dynamics, pricing strategies, investment decisions, and government policies affecting the tourism industry.

What's the link between Tourism and Anthropology?

Anthropology contributes to tourism studies by examining the cultural aspects of tourism, including the commodification of culture, heritage tourism, authenticity, cultural impacts of tourism, and the representation of indigenous communities in the tourism industry. Anthropological research helps in understanding how tourists perceive and engage with different cultures.

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