School Vocab

Krish Beachoo


Aug 9, 2021

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Learn about School Vocab

Asignaturas - subjects

ciencia - science

educacion fisca - physical education

informatica - I.T.

biologia - biology

psicologia - psychology

literatura - literature

sociologia - sociology

filosofia - philosophy

geometria - geometry

quimica - chemistry

arte - art

fisica - physics

ciencias sociales - social studies

recreo - recess

almuerzo - lunch

horario - timetable

japones - japanese

chino mandarin - mandarin chinese

frances - french

cursos - courses

ʖA que escuela asistes? - Which school do you attend?

ʖComo se llama, tu escuela? - what is the name of your school?

ʖCuales son las asignaturas que estudias? - What subjects/courses do you study?

ʖCual es tu asignaturas favorita? - what is your favourite subject

ʖComo se llama tu profesora de espagnol? - What is the name of your spanish teacher?

ʖQuien es to mejor amigos? - Who is your best friend

ʖQuien es tu profesor favorito? - Who is your favorite teacher?

ʖDescribe tu profesor de matimaticas es comica? - Describe your mathematics teacher

grunon - grumpy

simpatico - kind

caritarinoso - loving

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