Circulatory System 1

Krish Beachoo


Feb 13, 2023


Test your knowledge of the Circulatory System!

Question 1

Which of the following is involved in blood clotting?

Question 2

Which of the following carries oxygen?

Question 3

Which of the following describes the function of the pacemaker of the heart?

Question 4

The double pumping of the heart allows blood rich in

Question 5

Coronary Thrombosis occurs when

Question 6

High blood pressure most likely leads to

Question 7

Blood Pressure is highest in the

Question 8

Hypertension does NOT occur as a result of

Question 9

This carries blood back to the heart

Question 10

What kind of muscles is the heart made up of?

Question 11

All arteries carry oxygenated blood EXCEPT the

Question 12

What form does Hemoglobin carry Oxygen in?

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