Production and Factors of Production

Krish Beachoo


Aug 9, 2021

Estimated reading time:

Learn about the Factors of Production, and many more

Production and the Components of Production

Definition of Production

Production involves the conversion of raw materials into finished products.

Components of Production

The components of production comprise the economic resources utilized in the manufacturing of goods and provision of services.

The Four Components of Production

Land or Natural Resources


Land encompasses all the natural resources present on, above, and below the Earth's surface. This includes valuable mineral deposits such as oil, gold, and diamonds, as well as natural elements like sunlight, rainfall, rivers, ponds, lakes, seas, oceans, deserts, and forests. Therefore, land encompasses the physical landscape, water bodies, mineral reserves, and various natural chemicals.


Labor or human resources

Labor refers to people’s mental and physical contribution to the creation of goods and services. The reward for labor is wages / salaries.

Types of Labor

Growth of the population

Structure of Population

An aging population ( i.e. persons over the age of 64) and a very youthful population (i.e. persons below the age of 16) would mean a smaller labor supply.

Cultural & Religious Reasons

If women are not allowed to work, the labor supply will decrease.


Entrepreneurship and the Role of Capital in Production


Entrepreneurship involves individuals who undertake the risks associated with starting a business, acquiring funding, coordinating and rewarding the factors of production, and ensuring their effective utilization.

Profits serve as the ultimate reward for entrepreneurs.

Functions of an Entrepreneur

  1. Entrepreneurs skillfully combine the three other factors of production—land, labor, and capital—to achieve optimal efficiency and maximize profitability.
  2. As a factor of production, entrepreneurs bear the risks involved in the production process.


Capital refers to both monetary and non-monetary assets utilized in the production process. It encompasses buildings, machinery, equipment, currency, and stocks used in the creation of goods and services.

Types of Capital

  1. Fixed Capital: Fixed capital maintains its form throughout the entire production process. Examples of fixed capital include plants, machinery, and equipment.
  2. Working Capital/Circulating Capital: Working capital undergoes transformations during the production process. Examples of working capital include cash and stocks of raw materials.

Interest serves as the reward or payment for capital.


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