Forms of Business Organizations

Krish Beachoo


Aug 9, 2021

Estimated reading time:

Learn about the Sole Trader, Partnerships, Companies and much more

Different Types of Business Organizations

A business organization refers to any entity that engages in commercial activities by offering goods or services to customers. There are various ways to structure a business, ranging from sole proprietorships to partnerships to limited liability companies.

Sole Proprietorship

The management of a sole proprietorship is carried out by the owner.

Collaboration for Profit: The Partnership Venture

A partnership entails a collaborative arrangement where a group of two to twenty individuals join forces with the shared objective of achieving financial gains.

Key Characteristics

  1. A partnership requires a minimum of two and a maximum of twenty individuals who act as partners.
  2. Profits are distributed either equally among partners or as specified in the Partnership Deed.
  3. Partners contribute capital and financial resources based on mutually agreed-upon terms.
  4. In the event of a partner's retirement or demise, the partnership may undergo restructuring or dissolution.


Partnership Establishment

The procedure of initiating a partnership does not require stringent formalities, although it is highly advisable to create a Partnership Contract.

Partnership Contract

A Partnership Contract is a documented agreement that delineates the terms and conditions governing the partnership.

It should encompass the following components:

  1. Identification of the participating partners
  2. Description of the business nature and date of commencement
  3. Capital contributions provided by each partner
  4. Guidelines for the distribution of profits and allocation of losses
  5. Assignment of roles and responsibilities among partners
  6. Provision for potential remuneration or compensation
  7. Duration of the partnership and procedures for termination or dissolution
  8. Mechanisms for the resolution of disputes and conflicts

The primary objective of a Partnership Contract is to ensure transparent communication and facilitate efficient conflict resolution.

In the absence of a Partnership Contract, the partnership will be subject to the legal provisions outlined in the Partnership Act.


A company is a business entity that has been incorporated, that is, it has a separate legal identity from that of its owner(s).

Memorandum of Association

The Memorandum of Association governs the external relationships of the company and contains the following:

Article of Association

The Articles of Association governs the internal relationships of the company and contains the following:

Statement of Authorized Registered or Nominal Capital

This is the amount of capital stated in the Memorandum of Association, which is the maximum amount the company is authorized to raise.

Private and Public Limited Companies

Public Limited Companies

A public limited company is an incorporated business organization with at least 7 shareholders that offers shares to the public.

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