The Nervous System

Krish Beachoo


Sep 10, 2022

Estimated reading time:

Learn about the Nervous System



Internal Changes in Your Environment

External Changes in Your Environment

Remember - Temperature affects enzymes.

Components of the Nervous System

1 - Central Nervous System (CNS)

2 - Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Messages are Conducted through the Nervous system via Electrical Impulses.

Types of Neurons

Motor Neuron

Motor Neuron

Sensory Neuron

Sensory Neuron

Relay/Intermediate Neuron

These are neurons which are located in the Central Nervous System (CNS) [Brain or Spinal Chord] - They link sensory neurons to the motor neurons.



Dendrons (smallest Dendrites)

These carry impulses toward the cell body.


Carry impulses away from the cell body.

Myelin Sheath

This is a fatty substanc which insulates the axion.

Nodes of Ranvier

These are breaks/gaps in insulation which allow the impulses, which are electrical, to increase its transmission speed.


The Brain

The Brain


The largest part of the brain. It consists of the cerebral hemisphere - responsible for:

  1. Intelligence, Learning & Reasoning
  2. Memory
  3. Coordination of voluntary actions
  4. Control of Speech
  5. Vision


Concerned with posture and balance.

Medulla Oblongata

This controls all your involuntary actions.



Pituitary Gland

Known as Master Gland

Secretes several hormones which have an effect on different parts of the body.

Reflex Actions & Reflex Pathways

Cranial Reflex Action

Spinal Reflex Action

The Eye

The Eye

Pupil Reflex Action

Brigth Light

Dim/Dark Light


Long Sightedness/ Hypermetropia

Short Sightedness/Myopia

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