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Sewage Treatment
Learn about the negative effects of untreated Raw Sewage and how it is treated on a large scale basis.
Edu Level: CSEC
Date: Feb 7, 2023
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Negative Effects of Untreated Raw Sewage
- Odor
- Cholera (and other diseases) -flies & rodents transmitting.
- Eutrophication (through water ways)
The Septic Tank - Domestic Treatment
Inner Workings of the Septic Tank
- When the toilet/water closet is flushed, all the sewage is sent to an in ground septic tank.
- This tank has a wall separating it into two sections.
- The sewage falls on one side.
- As the capacity rises on one side, it eventually reaches to the top of the wall where water (Liquid) falls on the other side.
- The side with the solids are broken down by bacteria which receives oxygen from from a pipe with an opening that is higher up on your house. This opening also allows all harmful gases to escape into the atmosphere.
- Eventually water levels on the other side reaches a height where it is flown into a pipe in a ruble drain which disposes the water into the soil.
Large Scale Sewage Treatment
- Screening - Where large particles are removed, for example: plastic bottles, paper, sticks etc.
- Grit Pit - Slowly passes the sewage allowing the grit to settle.
- Sedimentation - Where solids (sludge) is allowed to settle. The sludge is either sent to a sludge digester.
- Aeration - Implementing air for bacteria to breakdown sewage.
- Effluent is then disposed.
What happens if Untreated Sewage is released into Waters?
- This provides a source of food for bacteria which multiply rapidly and breaks down the sewage.
- This vast amounts of bacteria will use up oxygen supply which then kills other living organisms.
- When these organisms die, the process repeats as bacteria break them down.
- They continue to multiply.