RE Verbs

Raed Mohammed


Jul 30, 2022

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-Most of the times, -re verbs are like this:

Répondre – to answer (respond)

Je réponds – I answer Tu réponds – You answer Il/Elle répond – He/She answers Nous répondons – We answer Vous répondez – You answer Ils/Elles répondent – They answer

-Notice there are no endings for the third person singular; the ending just drops.

There are also irregular -re verbs, these just have to be memorized.

Prendre - to take

Je prends – I take Tu prends – You take Il/Elle prend – He/She takes Nous prenons – We take Vous prenez – You take Ils/Elles prennent – They take

This verb also appears in other verbs such as:

Apprendre – to learn Comprendre – to understand Entreprendre – to undertake Surprendre – to surprise

These are also conjugated the same way:

J’apprends Tu apprends Il/Elle apprend Nous apprenons Vous apprenez Ils/Elles apprennent

Rompre – to break

Je romps Tu romps Il/Elle rompt Nous rompons Vous rompez Ils/Elles rompent

Corrompre – to corrupt Interrompre – to interrupt

These also follow rompre.

-Verbs that end in -uire, -dire, -fire and -lire

Cuire – to bake

Je cuis Tu cuis Il/Elle cuit Nous cuisons Vous cuisez Ils/Elles cuisent

-The plural forms have an ‘s’, then follow the conjugations

-Verbs that end in -crire

écrire – to write

J’écris Tu écris Il/Elle écrit Nous écrivons Vous écrivez Ils/Elles écrivent

-A ‘v’ is added before the regular conjugations in the plural form.

-Verbs that end in -aindre, -eindre, and -oindre,

Craindre – to fear

Je crains Tu crains Il/Elle craint Nous craignons Vous craignez Ils/Elles craignent

-The d is removed from all, and a ‘g’ and ‘n’ are added respectively, before continuing the original conjugation.

-Verbs that end with -ttre,

Mettre – to put

Je mets – I put Tu mets – You put Il/Elle met – He/she puts Nous mettons – We put Vous mettez – You put Ils/Elles mettent – They put

-The second ‘t’ is dropped in the singular forms, and the conjugation follows as normal

-Verbs that end with -aître (except naître)

Connaître – to know

Je connais Tu connais Il/Elle connaît Nous connaissons Vous connaissez Ils/Elles connaissent

-The ‘tre’ is dropped in all, and the conjugation continues; note the “î” in the third person singular.

-There are many exceptions as you can find here on: erbs/

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