Computer Science Module 1 Question 2(Searching)

Contains all relevant information regarding searching of lists, linear and binary.

Author:Author ImageZachary Kublalsingh

Edu Level: Unit2

Date: Jul 13, 2024

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Linear Search

Traverses a list entirely, comparing the search value to each element in the list until either the search value is found, returning its index or it traverses the entire list, displaying that the element was not found.


int linear_search(int arr\[], int n, int x) 


    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        if (arr\[i] == x) {

            return i; // Element found, return its index



    return -1; // Element not found


Binary Search

  • List must be sorted (1 mark in any past paper)
  • Searches for an element by halving the list at each pass
  • The mid point of the list is found by taking the sum of the first and last index of the list and dividing it by 2
  • The search value is compared to this mid element
  • If the element is greater than the search value low = mid and low = low + 1
  • If the element is less than the search value high = mid and high = high - 1
  • This is repeated until either the element is found and its index is returned or low > high ( the search value does not exist)


int binary_search(int arr\[], int n, int x) {

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        if (arr\[i] == x) {

            return i; // Element found, return its index



    return -1; // Element not found


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