Electronic Configuration

Learn about Electronic Configuration

Author:Author ImageEdukatte

Edu Level: CSEC,NCSE

Date: Jul 29, 2022

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Electronic Configuration

Arrangement of Electrons

  • The electronic configuration of an atom refers to the way in which electrons are arranged on an atom. Electrons are found on the shells of atoms.

  • Each shell possesses a limit on the number of electrons it can hold. Elements which have atomic numbers of 1-20 have the following limits:

    • The first shell has a maximum of 2 electrons.
    • The second shell has a maximum of 8 electrons.
    • The third shell has a maximum of 8 electrons.
    • The fourth shell has a maximum of 18 electrons.
  • The electron configuration of an atom is written in the order of its shells.

    • For example, the electronic configuration for Calcium (Ca) is represented as 2,8,8,2. This is due to Calcium's atomic number being 20.

      ![]( "Diagram of a Calcium Atom")


      What is this?

      This is a numerical representation of the electrons in an atom, it is written according to the number of electrons in each shell


      • K→19 = 2, 8, 8, 1
This note was donated by Josiah Renne to Edukatte on October 7th 2024!

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