Studying for Application Based Subjects

Learn how to study for Application Based Subjects!

Author:Author ImageKrish Beachoo

Edu Level: studyteq

Date: May 5, 2024

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What are classified as Application Based Subjects?

Generally, this refers to any subject which requires calculations and critical thinking rather than focusing on content memorisation. These subjects often require to use of formulae and solving problems based on the theory learnt. Memorising in these subjects are necessary to a certain extent however practice is the key to these subjects.

Some examples of application based subjects are:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Some aspects of Economics
  • Some aspects of Geography

How to effectively study for these subjects?

It's very simple - Practice. We people always say practice makes perfect, but the truth is, that is unquestionably the best approach to these subjects.

Let us get into the details of "Practice makes Perfect"...



Firstly; ensure you have access to as many past papers as possible. We recommend getting it all initially and downloading them to a google drive folder or a folder on your personal device. Having it accessible immediately when needed helps more than you might think.

Secondly; figure out your method of doing these papers; you have three options here:

  1. Printing them physically,
  2. Saving them digitally and doing the practice externally, or,
  3. Doing them digitally on a tablet.

Generally, when you start researching and diving into study techniques they tend to make a big deal about the above; however at your level we recommend just keeping it simple and going with what you think works. Really and truly it doesn't matter.

What actually matters is what comes next!


This is random and might be far fetched especially if you have started the syllabus (learn and apply to you next academic journey). Review your syllabus and skim through a textbook BEFORE you start the syllabus in school or lessons. We found this made the information being brought to you - not be entirely new, allowing you to start the initial learning process immediately.

Now, you are just gonna do parts of the past papers at a pace appropriate for you - we do not mean wait a week before the exams but rather do something, anything really, throughout the term - the more you do the better for you. Don't pressure yourself but you really want to try and so parts of the papers throughout the term as you learn topics.

Coming to the middle of the term or the end of the term, you want to expand your question styles beyond that of CXC. At this point you want to master these subjects and this means going beyond the base CXC questions. Use the internet to your advantage. Even at Edukatte we provide worksheets that go beyond the basic CXC styles questions...check them out!


Perfecting the subject

This process may not be necessary but can help if needed,

Sometimes in these subjects there requires some level of memorisation; whether that be for formulae or basic definitions. This is an easy problem to solve, use flashcards. There are numerous studies that show that Active Recal, Spaced Repetition and Interleaved Practice do help in the retention of information.

Ideally, online electronic flashcards work best to accurately utilise all the techniques stated above.

And the best part is that Edukatte is one of - if not the only caribbean site - that actually provides flashcards for some subjects. Be sure to check them out to save time!



And that's basically it, no need to go in-depth - take it at your own pace (be reasonable), and always remember that there is no gain without a little sacrifice. Sacrifice that little leisure to jump ahead and excel at your academic goals.


Feel free to reach out to Edukatte via our contact page if you need help and we will try our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

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