Reflexive Pronouns

Krish Beachoo


Aug 9, 2021

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Learn about Reflexive Pronouns.

3 Types of regular Verbs

AR - o, as, a, amos, an

ER - o, es, emos, emos, en

IR - o, es, emos, imos, en

What is a reflexive action

A reflexive action is one in which one does the action to oneself

Reflexive Pronouns


Lavar - to wash

Lavarse - to wash oneself

Duchar - to shower

Ducharse - to shower oneself

Secar - to dry

Secarse - to dry oneself

secar → sec → seco - I dry...I dry myself - me seco - I dry myself

Te secas - you dry yourself

Se seca - he dries himself, she dries herself, it dries itself.

Nos secamos - we dry ourselves

se secan - they dry themself

Usted se seca

Ustedes se secn

Acostarse - to go to bed (to put oneself to bed)

Radical changing verb

→o - ue

→Except when WE do the action


me acuesto - I go to bed

Te acuestas - You go to bed

Se acuesta

Nos acostamos

se acuestan

usted se acuesta

ustedes se acuestan

I - me - o

You - te - as, es

He - se - a,e

She - se - a,e

It - se - a,e

We - nos - amos, emos, imos

They - se - en, an

Usted - se - a, e

Ustedes - se - an, en



Drop ar - sent

Change e to ie - sient

It is an ar verb so the appropriate endings. Remember it is a reflexive verb so the corresponding pronoun proceeds the verb with the appropriate ending.

me siento

te sientas

se sienta

nos sientamos

se sientan

usted se sienta

ustedes se sientan

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