Daily Routines

Krish Beachoo


Aug 9, 2021

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Learn about Daily Routines

me levanto a las - i wake up at ...

se piarse - to brush ones teeth

me afeito a las - i shave at ...

me pongo el uniforme a las - i put on my uniform at ...

salgo de casa a las - i leave home at ...

regresso a casa a las - i return home at ...

me acuesto a las - i go to bed at ...

llego a las escuela a las - i arrive at school at ...

las clases comienzan a las - classes start at ...

almuerzan a las ... co mi amigos - i have lunch at ... with my friends

hago mis deberes a las - i do my home-work at ...

las clases terminan a las - classes end at ...

ceno a las - i eat at ...

Mi rutina diaria - my daily routine

me despido a mis padres - i say goodbye to my parents.

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