Scientific and Technological Developments

Krish Beachoo


Aug 9, 2021

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Learn about Scientific and Technological Developments


The systematic study of something in order to build knowledge and understanding with the aim of making life easier for humans.


something that is based on science and can be applied to everyday life to solve problems. Technology refers to devices and systems which have been created for practical purposes Scientific development and advances can help us in how we use our environment for our benefit.

Technology and crop growing

There have been a number of significant scientific developments in farming in recent years.

Some of the most important include:

Technological developments in farming

Other examples of new technology that are used to help farmers get the most out of their land include:

House building

An eco-friendly house is one that is designed to be sustainable while having a low impact on the environment. Eco-friendly houses are built using sustainable materials and aim to conserve and use less energy and water.

This can be achieved by:

Scientific and technological developments in transport

People are becoming more connected as transport methods improve.

The internet

Up until the 1990s, people used books to research information, and if they wanted to keep in touch with friends and family the only option was a letter or phone call. Now the internet has completely changed our daily lives. The internet is a global network that anybody can access, providing they have a computer and internet connection. All sorts of information are available online now, which makes researching by any other method outdated and time-consuming. Emailing has fast become the method of choice when communicating with others as it sends messages and information instantly rather than having to wait for the postal system. This has revolutionized society.

Cellular phones

As with the internet, up until the 1990s cellular phones (or cell/mobile phones) were not commonplace. Some people had them – mainly business people and the wealthy – but after the 1990s it became the norm to carry around a cell phone. Carrying a cell phone has many advantages, the most important one being the ability to communicate with people on the go, 24-7. That is especially important for parents with children, as both can get in touch if needed. Since the 1990s, cell phones have continued to evolve and now they do far more than simply make a phone call. People are able to send emails and text messages, take photos, connect to the internet, use social media sites – even pay for things when you’re out.


Scientific and technological developments within the medical sector are huge. Scientists are constantly finding cures and treatments for illnesses and conditions. This allows many diseases such as smallpox, measles (in many countries), rubella, and polio to be eradicated. The medicines that are being developed allow people to live much longer

Furthermore, major technological developments are being made all the time in medicine, such as:

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