Teeth 1

Krish Beachoo


Feb 14, 2023


Test knowledge on the tooth!

Question 1

Which of the following represents the correct sequence ofevents in the formation ofa dental cavity? (i) Abscess (ii) Dentine Decay (iii) Enamel Decay (iv) Plaque Formation

Question 2

Which of the following types of teeth is BEST adapted for tearing tough pieces of food?

Question 3

Which of the following teeth aid in grinding food into smaller pieces?

Question 4

Which part of the tooth is responsible for sensing temperature and pain?

Question 5

Which type of tooth is used for biting and cutting?

Question 6

Which type of tooth is typically the longest and most pointed in shape?

Question 7

What is the most common cause of tooth decay?

Question 8

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for gum disease?

Question 9

Which of the following are LEAST likely to prevent Cavities

Question 10

This what EXACTLY creates cavities

Question 11

The dental formula for Canines is

Question 12

The dental formula for Molars is

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