Master The Gini Coefficient and The Lorenz Curve

Krish Beachoo


Mar 27, 2024


This quiz dives into the topic of Income Inequality from the Economics Unit 1 Syllabus, specifically the Module 3.

Question 1

What is the Gini Coefficient?

Question 2

What is the Lorenz Curve

Question 3

Which of the following Countries have the greatest income inequality?

Question 4

Which of the following represents the Gini Coefficient?

Question 5

At what angle is the Line of Absolute Income Equality drawn?

Question 6

What is the Range of the Gini Coefficient?

Question 7

The area between the Lorenz Curve and the Line of Absolute Income Inequality represents 0.6, what is the Gini Coefficient?

Question 8

The area between the Lorenz Curve and the Line of Absolute Income Equality represents 0.75, what is the Gini Coefficient?

Question 9

Country A has a Gini Coefficient of 0.85 and Country B has a Gini Coefficient of 0.15, which country has a more uneven distribution of income?

Question 10

What does the bottom 50% of recipients of income represent in a country with a highly uneven distribution of income?

Question 11

What does the y-axis represent in a diagram showing the Gini Coefficient and Lorenz Curve?

Question 12

What does the x-axis represent in a diagram showing the Gini Coefficient and Lorenz Curve?

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