Sole Traders

Krish Beachoo


Jul 12, 2023

Estimated reading time:

Sole Traders are on of the Forms of The Private Sector, learn more about it here!

What is a Sole Trader?

This is a SINGLE person who has full ownership of a business, he bears all the responsibilities of managing the business, get the luxury of keeping all the profits (he/she is not required to share profits) and assumes the risk of settling all debts.

A sole trader, however, may receive assistance from his/her family and friends.

How do you form a Sole Trader?

It is a very simple business to set up as it does not require any legal formalities. However there are a few things the business must do:

  1. The trade name of the business must be registered.
  2. He/she may require specific a license (example: for the sale of alcohol and food).

Other than that, the formation of a Sole Trader is very easy.

As with everything, there are Pros and Cons.

The Pros The Cons
No sharing of profits, he/she can keep all. No sharing of losses.
Has a personal relationship with clients/customers. There is no fixed income of a sole trader, it may vary based on demand.
Sole Traders have Unlimited Liability (meaning their debt settlement may extend to their personal assets). There is usually a limited amount of Capital.

That’s the basics!

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