Private Limited Companies

Krish Beachoo


Jul 31, 2023

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Learn about Private Limited Companies

What are Private Limited Companies?

This is an incorporated business which has two to fifty members, with a common goal of making a profit. It is restricted to only family and or friends.

A Private Limited Company las some legal requirements when forming. The following documents must be submitted to the Registrar of Companies:

(Find more info about these three documents in our POB Notebook!)

Characteristics of Private Limited Companies

What is the Registrar of Companies?

Simply put, this is a record of all the registered business (it is a government office/department).

The Pros and Cons

The Pros The Cons
Larger capital am ount than sole traders and partnerships. Capital can be limited, as there is a limit of 50 persons.
Separate legal entity from owners. Must file financial reports to Registrar of Companies
Shareholders have limited Liability Shares are restricted to private persons (family and friends).
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