Nervous System

Krish Beachoo


Aug 9, 2021

Estimated reading time:

Learn about the Nervous System


Structures of the Nervous System:

Nerves or Neurons (Nerve Cells):

Unique Features of Nerves:

Types of Neurons:

The spinal column

The Spinal or Vertebral Column - The vertebral column’s most important physiologic function is protecting the spinal cord, which is the main avenue for communication between the brain and the rest of the body.

Spine Nerves Anatomy, Diagram & Function | Body Maps

The vertebral column's most important physiologic function is protecting the spinal cord, which is the main avenue for communication between the brain and the rest of the body. The spinal cord is nestled in a cavity called the vertebral foramen inside of the vertebrae.

Spine Nerves Anatomy, Diagram & Function | Body Maps

The Brain

The human brain stands as the most intricate organ within our body. It serves as the center of consciousness and oversees both voluntary and involuntary movements and bodily functions. Through the nervous system, a complex network of channels transmitting electrochemical signals, the brain communicates with every part of the body, facilitating seamless coordination and control.

The Brain and Nervous System

Function of the Nervous System

Relaying Messages

  1. Messages are electrical signals called IMPULSES
  2. Impulses travel in ONE direction
  3. Messages are transmitted CHEMICALLY between two neurons – this space is the SYNAPSE
  4. Axon terminals connect to Dendrites of the second Neuron to transmit impulses.

Divisions of the Nervous System

Structurally, the nervous system has two components:

  1. CNS - the Central Nervous System and
  2. PNS - the Peripheral Nervous System.

Central Nervous System

  1. Consists of the brain and spinal cord Nucleus is a collection of nerve cell bodies Tract is a bundle of axons connecting neighboring or distant nuclei
  2. Nerve cell bodies lie within the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord (H- shaped) Right and left dorsal and ventral horns
  3. Fiber tracts constitute white matter in which the gray matter is embedded

Peripheral Nervous System

  1. Nerve fibers and cell bodies that lie outside the CNS but are continuous with it
  2. Function to connect the CNS with peripheral structures (especially in the limbs)


Afferent (sensory) fibers convey impulses from sense organs (e.g., eyes) and skin receptors to the CNS


Efferent (motor) fibers convey impulses from the CNS to the muscles and glands The Motor Nervous System is further subdivided into –

  1. Voluntary Nervous System
  2. Involuntary Nervous System

Central + Peripheral Nervous System

The signal chain of Nerves Basic

Signal chain of nerves complex


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