Time Values and Time Signatures

Jaeda Ar-Razi


Jul 11, 2024

Estimated reading time:

An introduction to basic time signatures, which can help guide students in composing and arranging by providing a framework for rhythmic structures.

Note Values -Time Values

Note Value Name (American) Name (British)
4 beats Whole note Semibreve
2 beats Half note Minim
1 beat Quarter note Crotchet
1/2 beat Eighth note Quaver
1/4 beat Sixteenth note Semiquaver

Time Signatures

A time signature is a piece of information at the beginning of a piece of music, indicating how many note values of a specific note are included in one bar or measure.

The image above shows various examples of time signatures.

In a time signature:

  1. The number on top indicates how many beats are included in a bar or measure
  2. The number on the bottom indicates what type of beat or note value is included in a bar or measure.

4/4 is commonly referred to as “Common Time” and contains 4 - quarter notes or 4 - crotchet notes per bar.

2/2 is commonly referred to as “Cut Time” and contains 2 - half notes or 2 - minim notes per bar.

Common Time symbol

Cut Time symbol (Alla Breve)

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