
Josiah Renne


Jan 11, 2022

Estimated reading time:

This Note Outlines Basic Information about I.T.

What is Information Technology?


Types of Computers

  1. Supercomputers- the most powerful computers designed to carry out extremely complex computing tasks such as weather forecasting, climate research, oil and gas exploration and physical simulations. They are extremely expensive and require specially-built, secured and climate-controlled rooms. Examples of these types of computers include the Summit Supercomputer, Sierra Supercomputer and Frontera Supercomputer.
  2. Mainframes- large, powerful computers with fast CPUs (Central Processing Units) and substantial storage capacities. These are mainly used by many large organisations, such as airlines to change, reserve or cancel the seat of passengers. Mainframes are also mainly used for credit card transactions and processing and transactions related to logistics (such as delivery and tracking). They are very reliable and rarely require downtime for repair or upgrades. An example of a mainframe computer includes the Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC).
  3. Desktops- any computer which is small enough to fit on a desk but still powerful enough to run common tasks while being relatively inexpensive. An example includes a Windows Personal computer.
  4. Mobile Devices- an umbrella term for all computers which are small enough to operate in one’s hand and are easily portable. Includes laptops and smartphones.
  5. Embedded Devices- a small part within a larger electrical device which is used to carry out a specific task. Examples include DVD players or video game consoles which are connected to the television.

Types of Computer Systems

  1. General Purpose: these are made to complete a wide array of tasks. These include mainframes, supercomputers and embedded devices.
  2. Special Purpose: specifically designed to complete a limited number of tasks and contains features designed for those tasks. Examples include any video game console or embedded computers. These include desktops and mobile devices
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