
Krish Beachoo


Jul 19, 2023

Estimated reading time:

In this note, we briefly go over the basic concept of Immunity.



Types of Immunity

Natural Immunity

  1. Natural Passive Immunity - Short lived immunity is passed from mother to a child. The child, however, does not know how to make the antibodies.
  2. Natural Active Immunity - The body now makes its own anti-bodies to fight antigens which come from foreign organisms.

Artificial Immunity

  1. Artificial Passive Immunity - This is the case when a person is administered 'already made' anti-bodies. The body did not make these anti-bodies. A popular example of this type of immunity is anti-venin for snake bites.
  2. Artificial Active Immunity - This is when a person is given/administered a weak version of the foreign organism (the expected organism through which a person wants immunity for), so the body can make and produce its own anti-bodies. A recent example is the Coronavirus Vaccines.
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