Heredity and Variation

Krish Beachoo


Oct 21, 2022

Estimated reading time:

Learn about Mitosis, Meiosis, Chromosomes and much more

Cell Division

Species Number

Diploid Number


Asexual Reproduction

The Amoeba

What are Cuttings?

Advantages of Asexual Reproduction

  1. There is no time wasted looking for a mate.
  2. Advantageous qualities will be passed on.
  3. Time taken to develop from a seed is reduced.

Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction

  1. Negative/Bad qualities can also be passed on.
  2. There is no variation. There may be no change to combat issues. (If a disease is spread through a field, there is no variation to combat these issues).



Sex Chromosomes


Josiah Renne (PC)

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