
Krish Beachoo


Aug 9, 2021

Estimated reading time:

Learn about Population

Distribution of Population

Population distribution denotes the spatial arrangement of human settlement in relation to the land. In Trinidad, the predominant concentration of inhabitants can be observed along the East-West corridor and the western coastline. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that population distribution exhibits disparities globally.


Population can be defined as the total count of individuals residing within a designated territory or state.

Study of Population

Demography encompasses the comprehensive examination of diverse facets pertaining to human population.

Factors Affecting Population Size

Natural Population

Crude Birth Rate

Crude Birth Rate Activity

Calculate the crude birth rate of the following countries for 2000

Factors affecting Birth Rate

Crude death Rate


Factors affecting death Rate

Historical Factors that influence population density.

Physical Factors that influence population density.

Impact of Cultural Factors on Population Concentration

Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Population Density

Visualizing Population Density and Distribution on a Map

Population density is represented using a Choropleth map. This map adopts varying shades or colors to illustrate the average number of individuals residing in a specific area. Darker shades indicate higher population density.

Population distribution is portrayed through a Dot Map. This map employs dots, with each dot representing a specific number of individuals. The presence of more dots in an area signifies higher population concentration.

Note: It is crucial to distinguish between population density and population distribution. Population density refers to the number of individuals residing in a given area, while population distribution focuses on the spatial arrangement and dispersion of these individuals across the land surface.

Spatial Distribution of Population

Population distribution showcases the spatial pattern of human habitation relative to the land. In Trinidad, the majority of the population is clustered along the East-West corridor and the western coastline. The global distribution of population exhibits uneven characteristics.

Influencing Factors on Population Dispersion:

Population distribution is visually represented through a Dot Map. This cartographic representation employs dots, each symbolizing a specific number of individuals. Greater dot density within an area indicates a higher level of population concentration.

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