
Syed Ali


Jul 16, 2024

Estimated reading time:

Definitions,Primary and Secondary, Causes


Pollution is the introduction of unwanted substances to the environment while the substance or particle being introduced into the environment is referred to as a pollutant.

Pollution itself can be separated into two main categories, namely, primary and secondary pollution.

Primary Pollution

Primary pollution is caused by an air pollutant emitted from a source directly into the atmosphere. The source can be a natural process such as a volcanic eruption or may be influenced by humans through industrial activities and other emissions.Examples of primary pollutants include carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, sulphur dioxide and particulate matter.

Secondary Pollution

Secondary pollution on the other hand is usually caused by a pollutant that is already in the atmosphere and has a chemical or physical interaction with other primary pollutants to form another pollutant. Acid rain is an example of secondary pollution. It is caused when sulphur dioxide reacts with rain and becomes the secondary pollutant of acid rain.

Differences Between Primary And Secondary Pollution

Causes of Pollution

Some types of pollution can be of natural causes such as:

Some types of pollution can be of man made causes such as:

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