
Raed Mohammed


Aug 13, 2022

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-If you want to say something belongs to someone, you have 4 options:

1.Noun + de + subject 2.Noun + appartenir à + owner 3.Noun + être à + owner 4. Possessive Pronouns

-Let’s start with the first one

1.-To say something like ‘Jean’s car’, it would be:

La voiture de Jean.

2.-To say something like “The car belongs to Jean” , it

would be:

La voiture appartient à Jean.

3.-To say something like “The car is Jean’s”, it would be:

La voiture est à Jean.

4.-To say something like “The car is her’s”, it would be:

La voiture est la sienne. OR Sa voiture.

-Here are a list of possessive pronouns.

Mon(m)/ ma(f)/ mes(pl) – my Ton(m)/ ta(f)/ tes(pl) – your Son(m)/ sa(f)/ ses(pl) – his/her Notre(m, f)/ nos(pl) – our Votre(m, f)/ vos(pl) – your Leur (m, f)/ leurs(pl) – their

(masculine singular), (feminine singular), (plural masculine), (feminine plural)

Le mien, la mienne, les miens, les miennes – mine Le tien, la tienne, les tiens, les tiennes – yours Le sien, la sienne, le siens, les siennes – his/her/its Le nôtre, la nôtre, les nôtres, les nôtres - ours Le vôtre, la vôtre, les vôtres, les vôtres - yours Le leur, la leur, les leurs, les leurs – theirs

-It is important to mention one thing.

-If the noun is feminine, and begins with a vowel, and it’s singular, the first person, second person, and third person use the masculine version.


Mon école. My school.

Mon étoile. My star.

‘ma école’ and ‘ma étoile’ are wrong in this case.

Son école. His/her school.

Son étoile. His/her star.

‘sa école’ and ‘sa étoile’ are wrong in this case.

Ton école. Your school.

Ton étoile. Your star.

‘ta école’ and ‘ta étoile’ are wrong in this case.


When using negatives it changes the indefinite to ‘de’.

J’ai un chat – I have a cat Je n’ai pas de chat – I don’t have a cat

Doesn’t work with c’est

Ce n’est pas un chat – That isn’t a cat

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