La Voix Active el La Voix Passive

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Author:Author ImageRaed Mohammed

Edu Level: CSEC

Date: Aug 13, 2022

⏱️Read Time: 1 min


-To relate ideas, you can say either two things. Take for example:

Il écrit un livre. He is writing a book Un livre est écrit par lui. A book is being written by him.

-They mean the same thing, but the subject and object switch positions.

-Par and de are almost always used in the passive voice.

-De is commonly used after verbs expressing states or feelings.

Le chef est apprecié de ses travailleurs. The leader is appreciated by his workers.

-De and par can also be used to show the differences of a situation

La maison est couverte d’or. The house is covered in gold.

La maison est couverte par les policiers. The house is covered by the police officers.

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About Raed Mohammed

Raed Mohammed is a proficient French speaker and is currently pursuing his studies in Spanish and French at Presentation College San Fernando. Prior to this, he successfully completed the SEA exam in 2018, which paved the way for his admission to Naparima College, where he spent five years - successfully Read More

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