Introduction to French


Author:Author ImageRaed Mohammed

Edu Level: CSEC

Date: Aug 8, 2022

⏱️Read Time: 2 min

Introduction to French

French, is it the language of love? That’s up to you to decide. French is one of the five romance languages that descended from Latin. Learning this language will enable you to speak to over 409 million people as of 2022. It will also help you to understand some written texts from Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian.

French is also one of the most unique as it sounds nothing like the others. It stands out. If you are looking for employment in places like Canada, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco and several places in Africa, French is a wonderful addition.

What makes French an easy language is the many words in common with it in English. “la liberté” means liberty, “la responsabilité means responsibility, and “comprendre” means to comprehend (understand).

There are also “faux amis”, (a “false friend” is either of two words in different languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning), for example “attendre” means to wait, not attend.

But don’t let this bother you since the grammar in French is almost like English with slight exceptions as we’ll see later.

But for now, let us learn the language of the great Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Molière) On commence!


(NOTE: We will not go over French pronunciation, But here is a website explaining it!)

About Raed Mohammed

Raed Mohammed is a proficient French speaker and is currently pursuing his studies in Spanish and French at Presentation College San Fernando. Prior to this, he successfully completed the SEA exam in 2018, which paved the way for his admission to Naparima College, where he spent five years - successfully Read More

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