
Raed Mohammed


Aug 13, 2022

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Quel(m)/ Quelle(f)/ Quels(m.p)/ Quelles(f.p) – what Quand – when Où – where Pourquoi – why Qui – who Que - what Comment – how Combien – how much


Quel est ton film préféré? What is your favourite movie?

Quand est ton anniversaire? When is your birthday?

Où est ton ami? Where is your friend?

Pourquoi il ne parle pas? Why is he not talking?

Qui est-il ? Who is he?

Que fait-il ? What is he doing?

Comment ça va? How’s it going?

Combien ça coûte? How much does it cost?

-Instead of ‘que’

, you can use ‘quoi’

C’est quoi? What is it?

C’est n’importe quoi! That’s nonsense!

-There are 3 ways of asking a question in French.

  1. Subject + Verb?
  2. Est-ce que + subject + verb ? 3.Verb + subject ?

Il parle? Is he speaking?

Est-ce qu’il parle ? Is he speaking ?

Parle-t-il ? Is he speaking ?

-In the 3rd one, a ‘t’ is added between the verb and the subject to link it.

-This happens when there are 2 vowels next to each other.

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