ER Verbs


Author:Author ImageRaed Mohammed

Edu Level: CSEC

Date: Aug 8, 2022

⏱️Read Time: 3 min

(NOTE: There are irregulars, but most of the time it follows it)

Subject Pronouns

Je – I (1st person singular) Tu – You (2nd person singular) Il/Elle – He/She (3rd person singular) Nous – We (1st person plural) Vous – You (2nd person plural) Ils/Elles – They (3rd person plural)

The endings differ depending on the subject*

Parler – to speak

Je parle – I speak Tu parles – You speak Il/Elle parle – He/She speaks Nous parlons – We speak Vous parlez – You speak Ils/Elles parlent – They speak

The endings highlighted in red, are the endings for most er verbs

GER verbs

-GER verbs are conjugated in the same way, but with a slight twist:

Manger – to eat

Je mange – I eat Tu manges – You eat Il/Elle mange – He/She eats Nous mangeons – We eat Vous mangez – You eat Ils/Elles mangent – They eat

As you can see, the ‘nous’ form has an ‘e’ right after the ‘g’

Nous bougeons – we move (bouger) Nous mélangeons - we mix (mélanger)

CER verbs

-CER verbs are conjugated but also with a twist,

Commencer – to start (commence)

Je commence - I start Tu commences – You start Il/Elle commence – He/She starts Nous commençons – We start Vous commencez – You start Ils/Elles commencent – They start

The ‘nous’ form has a “ç”.

Nous prononçons – We pronounce Nous annonçons – We announce


-These verbs have a “grave” accent on the “-e”

Acheter – to buy

J’achète (It becomes J’ when the verb begins with a vowel) Tu achètes Il/Elle achète Nous achetons Vous achetez Ils/Elles achètent

-All singular person forms, as well as the plural third person, have a “è”.

-E + L + ER

-These verbs double the ‘l’ on all singular person forms, and the third person plural.

Appeler – To call

J’appelle Tu appelles Il/Elle appelle Nous appelons Vous appelez Ils/Elles appellent

-E + T + ER

These follow the rules as the previous ones but be careful, sometimes it might not appear to be like it as with “acheter”

Jeter – To throw

Je jette Tu jettes Il/Elle jette Nous jetons Vous jetez Ils/Elles jettent


-YER verbs are special because both versions of a verb are considered correct.

Essayer – to try

J’essaye/ J’essaie – I try Tu essayes/ Tu essaies – You try Il/Elle essaye/ Il/Elle essaie – He/She tries Nous essayons – We try Vous essayez – You try Ils/Elles essayent/ Ils/Elles essaient – They try

About Raed Mohammed

Raed Mohammed is a proficient French speaker and is currently pursuing his studies in Spanish and French at Presentation College San Fernando. Prior to this, he successfully completed the SEA exam in 2018, which paved the way for his admission to Naparima College, where he spent five years - successfully Read More

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