Types of Entrepreneurs

Simran Bally


Jun 28, 2024

Estimated reading time:

Elements and drivers of entrepreneurship.

The Evolution Of Entrepreneurship (Specific objective: 2)

In this section of the syllabus, you are required to “explain the nature and growth of entrepreneurship” (Specific Objective: 2). That includes: (a) Elements of Entrepreneurship and (b) Drivers or trends in entrepreneurship and emerging areas for enterprise development.

(a)   What are the “Elements of Entrepreneurship”?

Elements of entrepreneurship is basically an introduction to Entrep. So the three key terms that you need to understand from the get go are: Entrepreneur, Intrapreneur and Entrepreneurship.

Who is an Entrepreneur?

Firstly, take note that an entrepreneur is a person. Entrepreneurs are innovative, driven individuals who identify opportunities, develop new products or services, that fill gaps in markets. They take calculated risks and come from various backgrounds and industries


Who is an Intrapreneur?

An intrapreneur is also a person.  An intrapreneur is an employee within a company who is given the freedom to create (like an entrepreneur). Intrapreneurs are characterised by their willingness to think creatively, and drive change or new projects forward within the confines of their organisation. Unlike entrepreneurs, who start their own businesses, intrapreneurs operate within an existing organisational structure and therefore, do not take on as much risk. They are valuable assets to companies seeking to foster innovation and stay competitive in their industries.


What is Entrepreneurship?

Finally, we’ve reached the “what”. Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying, creating, and pursuing opportunities to innovatively and creatively develop new products and services to fill gaps in a market. Entrepreneurs often exhibit traits such as the ability to take calculated risks, resilience, and determination as they navigate the challenges of starting and running ventures.

(b)   What are “Drivers in Entrepreneurship”?

Drivers refer to aspects that encourage entrepreneurship. These are: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalisation, Changing demand (has to do with the market), Unemployment, Changing demographics, Institutional support and Ease of entry in the informal sector.

How do the “drivers” encourage entrepreneurship?

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