Productive versus Allocative Efficiency

Krish Beachoo


May 19, 2024

Estimated reading time:

This note will break down the Productive and Allocative Efficiency in the most basic form possible.

Firstly, let's lay out the "text-book" definition. It is advised that you use these definitions in your examination.

Productive Efficiency

Allocative Efficiency

Let's take the simple scenario of a car manufacturer, specifically Porsche.

At the end of the day, Porsche makes many different types of vehicles.

If we narrow down to Productive Efficiency, this is where Porsche would be making all their vehicles in the best way possible utilising all their resources (time and materials).

Compared to Allocative Efficiency, this is where Porsche focuses on utilising its resources appropriately to give consumers what they want. This is usually based on the consumer satisfaction. For example: If many customers want The 911 GT3, for Porsche to be allocatively efficient, they should focus their resources to producing this model.

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