
Zachary Kublalsingh


Aug 17, 2024

Estimated reading time:

This section describes all attributes of memory

The function of each of the following Memory types:

Long term memory which stores the information necessary for the boot up of the computer

Short term memory which stores information that is currently being processed

Programmable ROM which can be erased and reused

Programmable ROM which can be erased and reused using an electrical charge

The purpose of each Memory features and an example of each:

The faster the number the faster your computer can store and retrieve data e.g. RAM

The overall capacity 6GB etc

The maximum number of bits the CPU can process at one time

Whether it is permanent or temporary


Hard drive500GB-12TBSlowDirectLow
DVD4.7GBSlowIndex SequentialHigh
External Hard drive1TBSlowMid
Memory card2GB-2TBFastDirectHigh

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