The Periodic Table

Learn about the Periodic Table

Author:Author ImageKrish Beachoo

Edu Level: CSEC,NCSE

Date: Aug 9, 2021

⏱️Read Time: 1 min


Periodic Table

First 20 Element

  1. Hydrogen (H)
  2. Helium (He)
  3. Lithium (Li)
  4. Beryllium (Be)
  5. Boron (B)
  6. Carbon (C)
  7. Nitrogen (N)
  8. Oxygen (O)
  9. Fluorine (F)
  10. Neon (Ne)
  11. Sodium (Na)
  12. Magnesium (Mg)
  13. Aluminum (Al)
  14. Silicon (Si)
  15. Phosphorus (P)
  16. Sulfur (S)
  17. Chlorine (Cl)
  18. Argon (Ar)
  19. Potassium (K)
  20. Calcium (Ca)

Atomic Numbers 1-20

Atomic Mass 1-20


  • number of protons = atomic number
  • number of electrons = atomic number
  • number of neutrons = mass number - atomic number

Group Number

Groups are vertical columns, There are 8 groups which are labelled using Roman numerals, groups 1-7 are labelled with roman numerals 1-7 (I-vII) and group eight is labelled with a "O".

Group number is determined based on how much electrons are in the valence shell of an atom (outermost shell)

Period Number

Periods are horizontal rows (we are interested in periods 1-4) which are represented using Arabic numbers (1,2,3,4...).

Period number is equal to the number of occupied electron shells in a particular atom.

Christopher Seebaran (pc)

About Krish Beachoo

Krish Beachoo is a dedicated student and innovative thinker with a strong presence in both education and technology. Starting his academic journey at Pranava Educational Institute, he excelled in the S.E.A. examination in 2018. Currently studying management, mathematics, and economics under the CAPE program at Naparima College, Krish balances his Read More

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